If you are considering cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco, you are not alone. Many people realize that, as they age, their appearance is not as it used to be. There is nothing wrong with that because it happens to each and every one of us.

Visage San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgery Office Procedure Suite
Muscles in the neck and face droop. We get sagging skin and excess fat, and it has the effect of making us look older than we feel in many cases. Certainly, some people just accept it as a fact of life, which it is, and carry on regardless.
However, there are others who would like to recover their youthful looks once more and so they consider cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco. But then they realize that it is surgery, and it can be scary. They may also start to think of themselves as somewhat vain to worry about their appearance.
But that is not the case at all. Those same people, in most cases, will spend a considerable amount of money on clothing, hairdressing, jewelry, shoes, and in the case of women’s makeup, for the precise purpose of looking their best. They eat all the right foods, and they take exercise. They want to look good, but then harbor all sorts of worries about having a facelift.
One Of The Foremost San Francisco Cosmetic Surgeons
At Visage Medspa & Facial Plastic Surgery Center, our Dr. Alex Rabinovich is one of the foremost cosmetic surgeons in San Francisco and he is a master at meeting people one-on-one and reassuring them about the process. Dr. Rabinovich has actually developed his own procedure which is known as the Visage Rapid Recovery Facelift which can be carried out without using any general anesthetics and requires minimal downtime with quick recovery.
The Visage Rapid Recovery Facelift is based on the traditional procedure, but it addresses the deeper tissue by going under the muscle and sliding it back up into its’ original youthful position. The fat and muscle are lifted and tightened with the incision line behind the ears. This produces less swelling and bruising than the traditional techniques and the scars will heal better because there is no tension on the skin and superficial layers. The overall result is a natural, softer look without the tightness that accompanies the older procedure.
The Visage Rapid Recovery Facelift only takes a couple of hours to perform, and the swelling and bruising will clear fairly quickly which means that most patients can return to work within a fortnight or less.
Dr Rabinovich is always happy to meet all patients for a consultation when he can assess your condition and answer all your questions. Give him a call on (415) 935-3223 or click on the Contact link at the top of the page.