As we get older, we begin to look older. That is an unfortunate fact of life. The “full” look of the face begins to lose elasticity and starts to sag. Wrinkles arrive. The problem for many people is that they look older than they feel. … [Read more...]
We Do Many Things Which Are Regarded as Unnecessary, but Make Us Feel Good
Cosmetic surgery has a bit of a bad rap. It's about making yourself more beautiful, which some people might not think is “necessary”. And no, it is not essential to carry on living. It won’t make you live longer. … [Read more...]
By All Means Check “Before” and “After” Facelift Photos, but They Are Not You
If you are considering having a facelift, then you are by no means alone. Furthermore, if you are like most people, one of the first things that you will do on our website at Visage Medspa & Facial Plastic Surgery Center is taking a look at the “before” and “after” facelift pictures which you can do simply by clicking on the Before & After link at the top of the page. … [Read more...]
As We Age, It Can Have an Effect on the Neck. Sagging Skin Can Be Lifted
Many people have excess fat as they age. In some people, the fat accumulates on the neck. Tightening up the skin and removing the excess fat can be a good way to improve the look of the neck, and not just the neck but the overall appearance. … [Read more...]
If You Are Suffering From Sagging Neck Skin You May Need a Neck Lift
As we get older, a number of things can happen to us, one of the most obvious being sagging and loose skin around the neck and jaw line, and lack of muscle tone. This is a perfectly natural procedure but has the effect of making us look old even though we don’t feel old. … [Read more...]
A Facelift in San Francisco Can Make You Look Your Absolute Best
It is a fact of life that as we get older our body ages. Now that is an obvious statement, but the problem is that we look older, and for many people, especially here in San Francisco, this can be a depressing experience. We all want to look our best for as long as we can, but the natural process of aging denies us this chance. … [Read more...]